Category: Video Slots

  • Get Ready To Swoop With The New “UNTAMED CROWNED EAGLE” Slot

    Get Ready To Swoop With The New “UNTAMED CROWNED EAGLE” Slot

    The news of a new slot game being released to the market always brings about excitement among many casino players. The game of slots is among the most popular game played on online casinos and this has been so for any decades that the game has been in existence. Untamed Crowned Eagle is a new…

  • Luck and Fortune Double-Up in Lucky Koi

    Luck and Fortune Double-Up in Lucky Koi

    Legend has it that the koi depicts strength and good fortune.  The koi or carp fish is said to have transformed into a dragon after swimming against the tides of opposing water or it has ‘sort of’ climbed its way up the Yellow River falls.  The popularity of this belief from the Orient has sailed…